On the 12th and 13th of April 2024, in Madrid, a Training in Integral Ecology took place, organised by the Company of Mary (member of the board of trustees of the Incola Network Foundation).

The event was attended by 50 teachers from different Compañia de María from many different cities in Spain,  profiles were schools, educators, workers, the director of a school in Paris, and other related members, and there they discussed issues related to climate change and the fundamental role of education as a transformative tool.

In addition to the training, there was space to learn about 2 good practices in total, and it was Red Incola that was chosen to disseminate its good experience in the IMPACT project, (very much in line with the conference) , funded by the Erasmus+ programme, which seeks to raise awareness of the effects of climate change on migration, providing tools for teaching and promoting inclusion and social justice.

To begin with, the project was explained, the consortium was introduced and the website and social networks were shared.

Then, the experience of the study visit to Ethiopia that took place the previous month, in order to research and learn about the area, and how migration affected the Horn of Africa, was discussed.

In addition, the next steps of the project, the publication to be produced, and especially the training that will take place in Belgium for teachers in March 2025 were discussed.

This topic aroused the curiosity of the attendees (especially the teachers), who subsequently contacted the people who presented the project to obtain more information on the last point.

The assessment of the day is very satisfactory, several people came to communicate their interest in the subject, and will remain attentive to the website and social networks for future updates.

More information on the IMPACT project at https://impact-erasmus.eu



Original Link (Spanish): https://redincola.org/impact-en-la-formacion-de-ecologia-integral-de-la-compania-de-maria/