I.I.S Laeng Meucci

I.I.S Laeng Meucci: is an Italian upper secondary school, whose courses last 5 years (students are 14-19y). It is split into two premises: Laeng in Osimo with also the head offices and Meucci in Castelfidardo with different courses of studies.

Laeng is a vocational school that offers a form of secondary education oriented towards practical subjects with specialised classes in Fashion&made in Italy  as well as classes for technical assistance and maintenance operators with professional qualifications as Electrical/Electronic/Mechanical operators. Meucci has a Scientific Liceo – Applied Science option, enhancing the scientific subjects studied theoretically with specific experiences in labs and a technical institute with two options: Electronics and IT /Telecommunications. All the students develop their skills and competences using laboratories and experiencing periods of work in internships.

This type of vocational education enables our students to start searching for a job as soon as they have completed their studies but sometimes sooner, since it’s possible to get a diploma after three years upon an exam on regional basis, although it is considered a lower level of school compared to the others lasting 5 years. Laeng offers also a technical course in Mechanics and Mechatronics with a specialisation in plastic materials. Meucci has a Liceo delle Scienze Applicate (Scientific Liceo – Applied Science option, enhancing the scientific subjects studied theoretically with specific experiences in labs) and a technical institute with two options: Electronics/Electrotechnics and IT /Telecommunications. All the students develop their skills and competences using laboratories and experiencing periods of work in internships (usually 3 weeks from the third year) in some local companies. Meucci is the only secondary school in Castelfidardo, therefore is a point of reference for the local community and the economic surrounding area. Both premises offer further afternoon classes to help the students to implement their skills and abilities, like Italian courses for foreigners, help for homework, English for Language Certifications, Labs for videomaking and many other activities or school projects aimed likewise at improving competences and reducing the dropout rate. BES students and students with special needs are supported and tutored by specialised teachers in charge of enhancing potentialities and autonomy.

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